At this time of Easter, a traditional post would focus on the power the resurrection has in direct correlation to same-sex attraction. We all know that because SSA is a weakness of sorts, though providing much strength if nourished properly, the resurrection will remove it in the afterlife and we will become whole. All the tears, heartache, pain, and so on that is associated with it will disappear at that point. All of us who have a sure witness of the Savior's atoning sacrifice know this with certainty. As such, I wish to point our discussion in a different direction so we can dig a bit deeper into this particular aspect of the Savior's Atonement. It is a good time to delve into both the letter and the spirit of this particular doctrine.
What do the simplest parts of the letter say? We know that through the resurrection of Christ, a restoration of both body and spirit will be brought about, which references our aforementioned closed topic. However, it also brings about a restoration of our works done in the flesh, charity for charity, faith for faith, and hope for hope. Those of us who belong to the restored gospel understand that these principles extend far beyond knowledge or even daily activity. They become part of who we are. But the question, naturally, is how do they relate to same-sex attraction and the resurrection?
This is where we start delving into the spirit of the resurrection. You see, because these principles become who we are as disciples of Christ, naturally they must be processes in daily living. First, we have charity. For every time that we exercise patience, kindness, happiness at others' triumphs & successes, humility, or any other characteristic of charity, that will reflect on our character in the resurrection. And naturally, the challenge of same-sex attraction will require charity in several circumstances. Consider a few of the more common ones, such as those who unrighteously judge, criticize, shun, or even misunderstand those in the Church (or outside it, for that matter) who live with SSA. Anyone can respond back with catty remarks or contentious words, but it takes true grace as a disciple of Christ to respond with His pure love-even charity. And as we read in the Book of Mormon, "it shall be restored to him according to his deeds" (Alma 42:27). I would rather be the individual who can be restored unto love in this life and the next, because I drew upon the grace of God to be loving.
Next, we can look at faith. In order to live certain principles of the gospel, such as the Law of Chastity or proper dating and courtship, it requires faith in the words of the prophets and apostles, as well as the words of our Savior Himself. We have to receive their words "not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe" (1 Thessalonians 2:13). Why? Because, as the scripture states, it works effectively when we do-it yields fruit. Faith is also required when relationships do not work out, other SSA friends betray/hurt us, arguments rise against faithful living amid same-sex attraction, and when other demons of life fight against us, like mental illness and addiction. But, in reference to faith, I have faith that none of us would be called unto this battle unless we would walk away as stronger warriors of light. The Lord was wise in His choices of who would bear this burden, because He knew that through Him, that burden could become a blessing and a strength to those around us. Do we want to be restored unto self-confidence and faith in Christ now and for eternity, or is it ultimately desirable to give in or give up (if only temporarily) to chance at having doubts forever?
Finally, the spirit of hope. We cannot have hope, unless we have faith. It is impossible, because faith kindles the fire of hope. Indeed, so powerful is that flame that Paul taught, "for we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?" (Romans 8:24) In our darkest hours with same-sex attraction, hope is what saves us from our grief, distress, loneliness, depression, and worse. We have the ability to overcome because of the brightness of hope that the resurrection of Jesus Christ brings. Hope for potential marriage and family, hope for righteous friends, hope for emotional and spiritual support, hope for laughter, hope for all good things is what sustains us. And it is my prayer that as we are in this Easter season, we can ponder on the sacrifice of our Savior, because He is the reason why we can have a "perfect brightness of hope" (2nd Nephi 31:20), pressing forward and enduring to the end to have eternal life with Him and the Father. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is so much more than overcoming SSA in the next life- it is about living with it in the here and now with perfect joy and optimism. And I have love, faith, and hope in my heart enough that I can testify this is true. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter!
Lessons From the Olive Tree-Part 2 of 2
Returning to the allegory of the olive tree, one can look at the verses and exchange the word "good" for "strength", and "evil" for "weakness" to gain some insights from them. At first, it says, "..and if it be so that these last grafts shall grow, and bring forth the
natural fruit, then shall ye prepare the way for them, that they may
grow" (v. 64) The grafts it speaks of can represent whatever we bring into our lives in order to live faithfully with same-sex attraction. As that happens, the natural order of life will settle in and the spiritual, social, professional, and other areas of life will occur as God intended them to. One will experience personal purity, temple worthiness, power in the priesthood, virtue in the Relief Society, healthy male/female friendships and physical affection, advances in career, etc. For Church members who incorporate these things into their lives, it serves them to continue in that pathway so that other good things can come as well.
When good works and circumstances begin rooting themselves into your life, this counsel applies: " they begin to grow ye shall clear away the branches which bring forth bitter fruit, according to the strength of the (strength) and the size thereof; and ye shall not clear away the (weakness) thereof all at once, lest the roots thereof should be too strong for the graft, and the graft thereof shall perish." Any areas of life which bring forth bitter, or strongly distasteful, results from same-sex attraction must be cleared out. This could include forgiving someone, removing issues with codependency, healing from heartache, and so on. However, as these verses indicate, one should not "clear away the (weakness) all at once". This is because SSA deeply roots itself in the entire being of those who cope with it. If someone with SSA tried to remove it all at once, the result would be disastrous because any progress would die out. The proper way to go about it is thus: "...wherefore ye shall clear away the (weakness) according as the (strength) shall grow, that the root and the top may be equal in strength, until the good shall overcome the (weakness), and the (weakness) be hewn down and cast into the fire." (v.65) In other words, as your strength in good works and circumstances grows in relation to your SSA, clear it out in the sense that it does not control you or define who you are.
When good works and circumstances begin rooting themselves into your life, this counsel applies: " they begin to grow ye shall clear away the branches which bring forth bitter fruit, according to the strength of the (strength) and the size thereof; and ye shall not clear away the (weakness) thereof all at once, lest the roots thereof should be too strong for the graft, and the graft thereof shall perish." Any areas of life which bring forth bitter, or strongly distasteful, results from same-sex attraction must be cleared out. This could include forgiving someone, removing issues with codependency, healing from heartache, and so on. However, as these verses indicate, one should not "clear away the (weakness) all at once". This is because SSA deeply roots itself in the entire being of those who cope with it. If someone with SSA tried to remove it all at once, the result would be disastrous because any progress would die out. The proper way to go about it is thus: "...wherefore ye shall clear away the (weakness) according as the (strength) shall grow, that the root and the top may be equal in strength, until the good shall overcome the (weakness), and the (weakness) be hewn down and cast into the fire." (v.65) In other words, as your strength in good works and circumstances grows in relation to your SSA, clear it out in the sense that it does not control you or define who you are.
Next, delving into the following verse, we can glean useful principles as well: "And the branches of the natural tree will I graft in again into the natural tree; And
the branches of the natural tree will I graft into the natural branches
of the tree; and thus will I bring them together again, that they shall
bring forth the natural fruit, and they shall be one." Christ is the one who is bringing in these good things through His grace, tender mercies, compassion, and perfect love. Earlier, He stated that "it grieveth me that I should lose the trees of my vineyard", which is also the reason He gave for counseling us to let our strength grow in direct relation to our weakness. From these two short statements, it becomes clear how intimately involved He is in the process of coming unto Him with such a difficult trial. He loves us very personally and deeply and as such, I believe that His healing for us is equally such. And whether that healing actually removes the SSA or simply gives us strength and perspective to endure it with joy into the next life, that is up to Him. Our job, I believe, is to accept His will and keep moving forward in righteousness.
As it continues, it states that natural branches will be grafted into natural branches. To me, this alludes to human intimacy, and, depending on the individual, marriage and family. Now, it does not necessarily refer to marriage and family, because it is not always God's will for everyone to get married in this life. God will give everyone at chance at it, however, it is clear from the teachings of the prophets and apostles that it can occur in either this life or the next. It is not essential to the Plan of Salvation for marriage to occur here, because it is binding as much in heaven as it is on earth, and also because it still satisfies the nature of God (mercy and justice) either way. That being said, I believe that many individuals with SSA will enjoy very close, deep friendships and meaningful familial relationships, even ones that would mirror those described in scripture-like David and Jonathan, for instance. Such individuals probably will not get married until later or not at all. As those connections form and intertwine with each other, though, natural branches are grafted into natural branches because the natural order from another person's life is mixing with that of an individual with SSA, thus making his/her life more natural. This verse could also refer to people who find another person to marry and have a family with, which is self-explanatory in how natural branches are grafted into natural branches. To summarize, such a grafting occurs because a different, more "traditional" sort of natural order is being instituted in that person's life.
I testify to all my readers that God understands that we are indeed like trees, growing into the virtues that He desires us to. Weaknesses, although not as undesirable as sins, still require a process for us to go through in order to open up the paths to nourishment and keep them that way. And as we do so, we fulfill the promise given in Ether 12:27: " grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." I know that our SSA can become an asset to us at the very least, and if it is God's will, He can remove it for us. How marvelous and comforting it is to know that God allows us to have weaknesses so that they can become strengths, and glorify Him in so doing. As we approach General Conference weekend, I pray that we may seek wisdom from God as to how we may become "trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified." Keep reading, my friends!!!